Our Ten Steps Employees Can Take to Prevent Injuries at Work

Our Ten Steps Employees Can Take to Prevent Injuries at Work

Safety in the workplace is the responsibility of everyone, from senior management through to those in entry-level positions. While there’s no way to completely prevent injuries at work, there are steps that can be taken to minimise the likelihood of an accident.

In this guide, we’ve identified ten steps that all employees can take to prevent injuries at work.

Steps employees can take to prevent injuries at work

1. Promoting A Workplace Culture of Safety

First of all, it is important to promote a culture of safety in the workplace. Employees should feel comfortable reporting unsafe conditions or practices to their employer. If an injury does occur, employees should know how to properly report it so that corrective action can be taken.

By promoting a culture of safety, employers can help reduce the number of injuries in the workplace. It’s essential to realise that when there is an accident, not only can an employee be facing life-changing injuries but they can rightly pursue compensation through a work accident claim.

2. Follow safety procedures

Safety procedures are put in place for a reason, and it is important that employees follow them to the letter. Ignoring safety procedures is one of the quickest ways to get injured on the job.

3. Remain alert and pay attention to your surroundings

Employees need to be constantly aware of their surroundings and the potential hazards in them in order to prevent injuries at work. Carrying out work while distracted or not paying attention can lead to serious accidents.

Employees should also be aware of their surroundings at all times and take note of any potential hazards. If you see something that could pose a danger, report it to your supervisor immediately.

4. Wear the correct safety gear

This is one of the most important steps employees can take to prevent injuries at work. Wearing the proper safety gear, such as gloves, a hard hat, and safety glasses can help protect employees from serious injuries.

5. Participate in emergency drills

Employees should participate in emergency drills to ensure that they are familiar with the proper procedures for evacuating the building or responding to other types of emergencies.

6. Maintain a clean and organised work area

A cluttered and cramped workspace is not only unproductive, but it can also lead to accidents and injuries. Keep your work area clean and organised to help prevent trips, falls, and other potential hazards.

7. Properly maintain equipment.

Equipment that is not properly maintained can pose a serious hazard to employees. Machinery that is not properly lubricated can overheat and cause components to fail. Employees should be trained on how to properly maintain equipment and should be given regular maintenance checks.

8. Communicate with supervisors regarding risky tasks

If an employee is unsure about how to safely complete a task, they should reach out to their supervisor for guidance. By communicating with supervisors, employees can ensure that they are taking the proper precautions to avoid injuries.

9. Monitor safety measures

In order to prevent injuries at work, it is important for employees to monitor safety measures. This includes being aware of potential hazards and taking steps to avoid them. Some common-sense measures include wearing appropriate clothing for the job, using proper lifting techniques, and avoiding distractions.

10. Monitor ‘near misses’

When there are situations where an accident nearly happened, it’s essential to review the lead-up to the incident. This will identify the factors that caused the ‘near miss; enabling steps to be put in place to ensure that the risk of it becoming an accident are minimised.

Read the original article over here


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